Monday, May 14, 2012

Moms in the B-I-B-L-E

Me and my mama

I’ve been thinking about Mamahood a lot.  Before I got married I was like, “Kids?  Eh, I could do without.”  Since getting married I’ve kind of gotten baby fever.  I want kids because they’ll be Philip’s kids.  I imagine cuties with his mannerisms and blue eyes.  And they are going to have the best dad around.  Don’t worry, no babies for a while.  Things don’t always go as planned, but our plan is to wait five years (almost down to four now) before having kiddos.  That being said, I’m trying to prepare myself now.  Philip and I dated (aka prepared for marriage) for 4 years before getting engaged.  Why not hone skills that will help me with that stage of my life starting A-Sap? 
 If there’s one part of the Christian life I’m really bad at it’s being a servant.  I know being a servant is almost synonymous with being a mom.  My mom gave us 110% even though she was also giving care and love to my dad, the students at her elementary school, and really everyone she came in contact with.  I’m just so feelings and people oriented that I often don’t see the value in tasks like cooking, cleaning, or changing diapers.  Some of my friends are great at this stuff.  Take Katrina, for example.  I went on Summer Project to Costa Rica with Katrina.  We were responsible for washing our own dishes at the quaint hostel where we lived.  I remember one time I saw her washing everyone else’s unwashed dishes and I came over and joined her.  I asked her what motivated her to serve.  She said, “Imagine a world where people saw needs and just met them, regardless of whose needs they were.”  Then there’s my husband:  one of the most selfless people I know.  He does dishes, laundry, takes the trash out, cooks me dinner without ever giving it a second thought.  So I’m trying to catch this vision.  Become more selfless.   Better understand the connection between tasks and love.  In order to help me have a vision for being a servant and being a mom, I want to take a look at some of the Moms in the bible.  Mainly to help myself, I’ll be posting about that for the next few days/weeks/whatever I feel like gawsh.    

Does being a servant come naturally to you?  Teach me your ways!  

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