Shirt: F21. Skinnies: Christmas, thanks Mom. Sweater: Random store in Canada. Headband: Shopco. Shoes: got under questionable morals. (They are JCrew and were in a giveaway pile in our apartment laundromat and they were in my size. That's destiny people). |
I like repurposing things. For example,
steal borrow husband's rockin' skinny tie. Pull it through your belt loops. And voila! Tie becomes a sash/belt! Coral and shades of grey make such good friends.
Or start with bottles of champagne. Drink said bottles in good company (My dad-in-law actually saved these for me after Phil spilled that I like to use them for "art" projects). Add twine and hot glue. Presto! Cute vases. I like the look of plain glass bottles and I like how the twine makes it a little more rustic. I also painted one with chalkboard paint (easy-peasy). I'd like to see these with billy balls in them one day. But we have so much decor stuff lying around that for now I am trying to make use of what we have.
I think Jesus would approve, I mean he makes
beautiful things out of the dust. It gives me hope that I can be repurposed too. From a selfish girl that serves materials, image, and people-pleasing to a beautiful woman who lives to pour out love on God that overflows to others.
And just for fun, while the hubs was taking pictures of my outfit I wanted to show you what he was wearing too. This is what he did when I asked him to pose for the picture.
Hat: Nordstrom Rack. Shirt: JcPenney. Cardy: F21. Hotness: Jesus made him. |
1 comment:
Haha Chels I love that you said Jesus would approve of crafts!
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