Bumbo. Boppy. Nosefrida. Ergo. Mamaroo. K'tan. Wubbanub.
As I scrolled past the words on my screen they sounded like gibberish. It felt like learning a new language: the secret language of motherhood. I knew some of the basics babies needed like diapers and bottles. But then there were so many things I hadn't even fathomed could exist like a wipe warmer and a diaper genie (which FYI doesn't grant you three magical diaper change-related wishes--I know, I was bummed when I found out, too). Plus, there were so many different styles, models, and brands of everything. I didn't know where to start. What really helped me were recommendations from other moms. Hearing what they found useful was a great starting point for me, so I thought I could provide the same for other moms. A couple of years ago, I made this list of my favorite baby things that we used with our first son, Emerson. While I still love those items, this time around I have some new faves to add to the list.
Zutano Booties
You know how everyone wants to give you tiny sneakers (or ballet shoes if you have a girl) because they look stinking adorable on babies' little feet? Well, those are super fun, and good to have for pictures or special occasions, but here's how it goes most of the time with those shoes: you finagle babies feet into them while he/she squirms and kicks and fusses and then they stay on for all of about 36 seconds at which point you toss them in your diaper bag because you can't imagine going through the whole shoe-applying process again. This is why I love Zutano Booties--they actually stay on! As an added bonus, since they are booties, you don't have to bother with socks. Have you ever tried to find newborn socks in a load of laundry fresh from the dryer? When babies are first born they are notoriously cold so it's good to have something to keep their toes cozy. These booties get the job done with very little hassle. Low-hassle has been a large priority for me as I adjust to life with two very needy nuggets.
Haakaa Silicone Breastfeeding Manual Pump
Okay, silicone pump, where have you been all my life? Seriously, I have not used my big machine pump once since baby number two came along, and I have over 25 bags of breast-milk in the freezer currently! What? With baby number one I thought I was pretty much a pumping pro on those rare occasions I had a freezer stash of five or more bags. I am a stay at home mom, so I don't need tons of expressed milk. But I also love to
Solly Baby Wrap
Some lovely friends of mine gifted me with this for baby number one, and I definitely used it with him, but am using it much more frequently with little brother. I have a toddler to take care of so those times when little one really struggles to sleep I can just throw him in the wrap and go about my business. I also have loved it for small outings: the farmers market, the grocery store (because only one kid can fit in a shopping cart, so I found it easiest to wear the baby and let the toddler sit), the park, church (can I get an amen! Wearing baby seriously makes my church experience so much easier and more enjoyable), even just playing in the backyard with my first. The Solly Wrap may look intimidating at first--gee that's a lot of fabric--but I've found that once you get the hang of it it's actually pretty simple to use. It's soft, light-weight, easily to pack and go, and is laced with magical baby sleeping powder. The wrap makes soothing your baby and getting around with him/her a snap.
Backpack Diaper Bag
How did I survive without this before? Okay, let me just say that I loved my first diaper bag. It was beautiful and had tons of storage. (I still use it for times when one kid goes here and the other goes there). But, I do remember it feeling cumbersome at times. It also occupied one of my arms and slid off if I needed to quickly assist my son or bend down for some other reason. The backpack stays on better. It frees up both of my hands. I can even hold one of my kids while I'm wearing it. There are so many options out there currently as backpacks are kind of trendy right now. Ours is a Skip-Hop and I love it because has lots of pockets for organization (I hate digging through a big open bag and not being able to find anything). I also love the clips it has that make attaching it to our stroller super convenient. Plus, it looks cute. I don't know if that's a priority for everyone, but it's definitely a bonus for me. I'd say that if you have two or more kids a back-pack diaper bag is a must-have.
Dwell and Slumber Dresses

Probably my favorite thing to use for those early days after labor and delivery were my Dwell and Slumber dresses. Yes dresses, because even though I told myself I only needed one somehow I ended up with two...They are soft, loose, flowy, and basically the most comfortable thing you could wear. Plus, because of the way they hang and the pretty patterns and colors available, you can look put together and feminine while still experiencing the comfort of lounging in a pair of sweats. They have snaps down the front for easy access to the goods if you're nursing. And pockets that you can keep your snacks or phone in. I got my first one while I was still pregnant (it was heavenly in those last couple of months when basically nothing fit) and my second one right before delivery. I actually wore one of them to the hospital, and the other right after giving birth. They were comfy enough to sleep in, but looked cute enough to wear home. When we left the hospital I basically wore them on repeat for the first month+. My body had changed. My tummy felt round and squishy, my breasts were heavy with milk and often disproportional so I found that these dresses were some of the only articles of clothing that I felt good wearing. I highly recommend buying one or two for recovery from birth (or even for maternity, or if you just like to feel like you're wearing pajamas without actually wearing pajamas). They might seem a little pricey, but really they aren't when you consider that all D+S gowns are ethically made in the USA.
Halo Bassinest Swivel Sleeper
We keep our babies in our room with us for the first few months while they're still little enough that they're up multiple times a night to breastfeed, and while I"m still obsessively checking in on their breathing. I think it's pretty common actually. So if that's your plan, I would recommend getting some sort of bassinet. With our first son, we used a Pac-N-Play with a bassinet insert during the early days. We loved that option, and especially loved how the Pac-N-Play was still functional and useful after we moved baby to his crib in his own room. This time around, we were in a new place and our bedroom had less space. The Pac-N-Play would technically fit, but it would make the room feel pretty cramped. So we opted for something smaller. I absolutely love the Halo Bassinest for this purpose. It is tall and sturdy (read: my toddler can't knock it over or destroy it). It is flat which makes me feel better about following safety recommendations. The sides are mesh, which again helps me feel safe enough to sleep at night. The sleeping space is large enough that baby has a little room to grow in it (just in case he gets too big before we're ready to transition him to his crib). Plus, my favorite feature is that, as per its name, it swivels. In a small space, that makes it so much easier to get around. I can easily turn the bed so that I can fit beside it. I can swivel it closer to the bed to take baby out of it to nurse in the middle of the night, but the swivel him further away from the bed while he snoozes.
What would you add to the list? Did any of these products work for you and your little one? New/soon-to-be mamas, any other questions about brands or products? I'm no expert, but I'd be happy to let you pick my brain.
*Click here to read my first post about favorite baby items*
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