Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Loving Mother

I have taken over teaching for all of my mentor teacher's 7th grade classes.  I have almost no classroom management issues with my 7th graders.  Most of them are little sweeties.  Sure they have a little angst, and sometimes act out due to their desperate need for attention.  But really, they don't give me many problems.

Some of my 8th graders, though, get on my nerves.  There is one kid in particular that loves to blurt out inappropriate things at inappropriate times.  He gives myself and his peers attitude.  Sometimes, his lack of social skills, and politeness makes him unpleasant to be around.  Getting him to do his work is like pulling teeth--I've learned that being a teacher is pretty similar to being a dentist.

The highest form of punishment that a teacher can dole out at my school is what we call a "Choice card."  It basically means they get sent out of the room to someone who gives them their real punishment.  In the semester-and-a-half I've been there, I've only given out two choice cards.  One of them went to none-other than this young man for back-talking me.

Awhile back, the 8th graders were learning about metaphors and similes and had to use figurative language to describe various things.  On this list was "school."  School is...  We got a lot of answers like "prison," "funeral," or "hell" (not very creative).  To which I would write "Sadface sorry to hear that," or "Sorry you feel that way."  One kid, though, wrote "School is a loving mother."  Who, you ask?  Yep, it was that kid that really knows how to get on my nerves.

I work in a low-income area and have already heard some of the horror stories my students call their home lives.  Perhaps said pain-in-my-behind has one of those stories.  Perhaps school is the closest thing he has to family.  I want to have patience with my students and to see the potential in each of them--even the ones that make my life difficult.  I need to remember that I have no idea to which of these students school provides the nurture, structure, and discipline they may not get at home.  I want to do my best to walk in the Spirit and demonstrate the love of Christ to my students, because they may not be getting it elsewhere.


Mindy said...

Love this, Chelsea. On the parent side of things, one of the greatest things I want to see in my kids' teachers is that they are FOR my kids. For them making right decisions. For giving them grace when they are but children and made a foolish decision. For correcting them appropriately. For them learning. For giving them hope. To your class, you may be exactly what they need every day- someone for them. You are right, being for them is showing them Christ.

Uneventfully Wonderful said...

Wow. What an amazing thing to be a part of. You were called for such a time as THIS (and THERE) and you are making a great difference.

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